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Blogg um hreyfingu og heilbrigðan lífsstíl. Icelandair hlaup og uppgjör fyrir apríl. Hvað önnur markmið varðar þá skrifaði ég lítið í apríl í ritgerðinni. Það mun standa til bóta í maí og júní, þar sem kennslan er núna búin og ekkert annað en skrif og hlaup á dagskrá í vor. Febrúarmánuði lokið og dimmasti tíminn liðinn. Framundan er vorið með öllum sínum vonum og væ.
The thoughts of an aspiring mid-life runner and triathlete. There are about 2,500 nervous triathletes either in Bolton or heading for Bolton right now as I write this. They are heading there because on Sunday it is the 11th running of Ironman UK. This time 12 months ago I was one of them. I am almost as excited today encouraging friends who are taking part for the first time, as I was driving to Bolton myself last year. People cope with it differently.
What happens in my world when the work stops. These are the tales what happens when work is interrupted by life and how my life reacts to trying to get work back into it. Thank you for stopping by. Leave a Reply Cancel reply.
There are 2 types of people in the world. Those who are good at it and those who want to be good at it. Maybe it was the pollen.
I decided that I will only start writing updates if I can continue my exercise program. I ended up at a. Fixed this problem with special.
Last year this Sunday, I ran the Tallinn City Half Marathon.
A fitness blog by a pizza loving, champagne sipping, life-loving fitness enthusiast.
How an Ironman is made. About Me and My Challenge. On June 20, 2014.
Said the Whiting to the Snail. The receptionist wore a plastic smile. I wanted to write a few things down for my children,.
2747 Wet fish stern trawler. 7,500 BHP, Wartsila. Freezer trawlers, Pelagic vessels. 2747 Wet fish stern trawler.
City We Bike susține și sprijină mersul pe bicicletă în orașe, încurajând utilizarea bicicletei ca un mijloc de transport, nu doar ca o activitate de agrement. A trecut ceva vreme de când am scris ultimul articol, o perioadă destul de aglomerată chiar. Tot de ceva vreme îmi propun să scriu câte ceva despre un loc fain, care-mi place și care îmi dă o stare de bin.